Welcome Home
Our shared front room is open throughout the week serving cakes, bakes, scones, soup and amazing tea and coffee.

A community workshop to meet new people, connect and create.
Mon | Wed | Fri
from 10am

Community Fridge
A simple solution to wasting less through sharing good quality food.
Mon - Fri
10am - 1pm

Men's Breakfast
Food | Friendship | Faith
Meeting Fortnightly
8:30 - 9:30am

Knitters & Quilters
Enjoy crafting with friends in our shared front room
Monday and Friday
Dementia Café
Come along and have a cup of tea with someone who understands.
Third Monday 2-3:30pm

The Wild Goose Collective
Come and explore through creating and making. Draw, craft, build, write
Wednesday 1:30-3:30pm

Thursday Friends
A friendship group for older persons with lots of laughter and cake!
Thursdays 10:30-12:00

Digital Enablers
In partnership with Age UK, come and get support with all things tech!
First Wednesday
10am - 1pm

CAB Drop In
Free advice and support with benefits, housing and improving your wellbeing.